What was I doing ten years ago?
1. Going to Wahlquist Jr. High.
2. Having trouble with the deacons in the ward.
3. Severely twisting my ankle playing rec football.
4. Being a counselor in the deacon's quorum.
5. Getting more anti-social as Jr High went on.
What are five things on my to do list today?
1. Get an assignment done by one.
2. Getting over my fears and ask a girl I like out. (Failed again)
3. Try to get my homework done today.
4. Decide if I'm going to my mission reunion (Why'd it have to be in Provo?)
5. Not much else.
What are my five favorite snacks?
1. popcorn (especially our cheese kind)
2. candy (except chocolate)
3. sunflower seeds
4. peanut butter toast
5. popsicles
What five things would I do if I were a millionaire?
1. Quit my job and just concentrate on school.
2. Save most of it.
3. Pay off my car.
4. Help Mom and Dad with their debts.
5. Give to charities.
5 places I've lived.
1. Plain City
2. LA
3. El Monte, CA
4. Hacienda Heights, CA
5. Baldwin Park, CA (Thanks to the mission)
5 jobs I've had
1. Lot assistant at a dealership (I washed cars mostly)
2. Saunders Construction
3. Three days doing inventory at a fabric store.
4. A week helping out with landscaping.
5. Answering phones at Convergys.
5 people tagged by me
I don't have anyone who hasn't been.
December - Part II
Hace 2 meses.