miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2008

Why can't they come?

I figured that it was my time to be controversial. This is something that is very important to me and has to do with immigration. I personal hate how our laws are set up right now. I think that we need to fix our illegal immigration "problem". (One we created) Wouldn't it be better to know who is coming here? Shouldn't we at least give some type of work visa. That is why they come. They are in major poverty down in Mexico or other places and want a better way of life. Did you know that the waiting list is literally years? If your family was starving right now and you heard that there was great opportunity to the north would you wait for years to help them? They come for love of family and desperation. Unfortunately the story does not stop there. They suffer crossing the border. A coyote is not always cheep and you had better hope that you have a good one. You could get caught otherwise. Crossing the desert is horrible even with a good one. I know people that still have pains and scars from this horrible experience. Oftentimes they arrive in horrible places, the ghetto. The water can be bad, violence and drugs can surround the area and they live in run down horrible apartments with a lot of people just so they can afford it. They oftentimes without family and try to save up to bring them here because it is better than there. The kids are surrounded by gangs and it is hard to keep them out of them. They work the jobs we won't take. Not only this they are underpaid and easily taken advantage of. Our economy would be in haywire without them yet they don't belong here.

We didn't use to have this type of stupid laws. It is a more recent invention and although we don't admit it, it is a racial thing. Who cares about illegal Canadians? Why do Europeans get visas without really having to do anything?

They also our helping our values that we are losing. They care about their families and would do about anything for them. Our society is attacking the family more and more.

Now my last reason. I have had general authorities tell me that the Spirit guides them here and that they are supposed to be here. It is prophecy even in the Book of Mormon. I literally met people that had never had any type of contact with the missionaries until the came to the United States. So I repeat: Why can't they come?

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2008

Why are they so scary?

So I haven't written for a while obviously. Sorry about that. This next entry will probably be short but what I when comes from my shyness and basically fear of girls. I don't know what but it is just extremely hard for me to even talk to girls. If I like her well I screwed, I can barely force myself to even say hi. I will realize that opportunities are there but I often don't take them mostly out of fear. I often wonder if there is even another guy out there who has this problem as badly as I do. All I can say is that I am working on it. Why are they so scary?